What happens after the first 30-days on FF30X?

Answer from the desk  of:  
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi
Creator of FF30X & Founder of The Fit Father Project

I designed the Fit Father 30X Program series to hand you the step-by-step plan you need to lose weight, gain muscle, and build the healthy habits that will keep you on track long term.

This FF30X Program series is a designed to help you live healthier for life - that's why I've designed specific phases to walk you and your body through every step of your transformation journey.

FF30X has 4 phases (Phase #1 - Days #1-30; Phase #2 - Days #31-90, Phase #3 - Days 91 - 180 and Phase 4 which shows you how to make this a lifestyle ).

The FF30X Phase #1 Program is where you will start. This proven program helps you build the foundational health habits you need - including:
  • The Fit Father Meal Plan
  • The FF30X Metabolism-Boosting Workout Plan
  • Bonus Training - on alcohol, cheat meals, motivation, sleep, etc.
  • Accountability Email Coaching through every step of the program.

FF30X Phase #1 is the first step in our 12-Month Fit Father Transformation Program Series:

You can see a large image of our full 12-Month Fit Father Program Roadmap Here.

After the first 30-days on FF30X, you are also able to upgrade to our full 12-Month Curriculum for $99/quarter - which gives you access to FF30X Phase #2, Phase #3, Phase #4 and 6 months of our advanced specialty programs (Old School Muscle, Travel Fit, Yoga, Breathwork, etc). This is a recurring subscription option.

These next-level programs we offer you after Phase #1 hand you your new workouts & meal plan tweaks that are absolutely essential because our bodies naturally "adapting" to diets + workouts over time. For that reason, we need to make some simple (yet necessary) tweaks to our eating and exercise approach to keep our bodies progressing. Failing to change our nutrition plan and workouts leads to frustrating plateaus.  Thankfully, we've piloted these necessary tweaks on over 10,000 fathers to create the step-by-step FF30X System. That's precisely why we offer Phases #2 & #3 & #4.

Half of our program members from Phase #1 move on to Phase #2. The other half continues on with the core FF30X Phase #1 plan with good results too.
This image file linked above is big. I recommend you download it to see the whole roadmap.
I hope this helps clear things up and I look forward to having you in our brotherhood!
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi Founder, The Fit Father Project Creator, The FF30X Program Series