I get an upset stomach after taking supplements... what can I do?

It's common for some supplements and medications to cause an upset stomach.

If you're experiencing an upset stomach with any of the Fit Father supplements, here's what we suggest:

1) Stop taking the supplement for a day. If the upset stomach feeling does NOT resolve within 12-hours, it's likely that the upset stomach is not from just taking the supplements... there is likely something else going on (viral stomach bug, digestive inflammation, etc). If you have pain for 24 hours or the pain gets very intense, contact your doctor immediately.

2) One of the main causes of an upset stomach with supplements is taking them on an empty stomach. If your stomach pain subsided and you still want to take the supplements in a way that does NOT hurt your stomach, here's what we suggest:

  • Take a HALF serving of the supplements WITH food (take the supplements after the meal so your stomach has some food in it already). If you experience no problems with this approach, you can take the other HALF serving later in the day with food. Splitting the dose like this is totally fine!
  • If you are taking more than one supplement, start by taking 1 supplement with food... and if you have no symptoms of an upset stomach... then you can add in a half serving of the other supplements.

The key idea here is that for some people... certain vitamins and herbs can cause upset stomach when taken on an empty stomach.

The second key idea here is that if you experience an upset stomach for more than 24 hours (or the pain is very intense) contact your doctor as it could be something more serious than just an upset stomach from supplements.

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