Is taking Testosterone Supplements safe for my heart health?

The Mayo Clinic's review of the connection between Testosterone & heart health concludes it's safe:

That said, the distinction needs to be drawn between SUPPLEMENTS like Test Booster RX, which helps the body support NATURAL testosterone production... AND the actual administration of TESTOSTERONE HORMONE THERAPY (shots, pills, creams)... which is a MUCH different experience for the body than methods to increase testosterone through natural supplementation.

This research meta-analysis shows that the maintenance of natural, healthy testosterone levels via supplementation is BENEFICIAL for heart health. 

Men with low testosterone levels often have a HIGHER risk of cardiovascular disease (read more).

There is no evidence showing that guys who responsibly use PRESCRIBED TESTOSTERONE HORMONES (monitored by blood work with levels kept in physiologic ranges) have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

There is lots of evidence (via athletes and bodybuilders) that shows that men (and women) who ABUSE/OVER-USE TESTOSTERONE HORMONES do have heart problems.

Our natural Test Booster RX supplement approach DOES NOT contain hormones. The formulation contains vitamins, minerals, and research-backed herbs that are safe, beneficial, and cardio-protective.