What is the difference between FF30X and FM30X?


What is the difference between FF30X and FM30X?

Short Answer:

FF30X and FM30X are both incredibly effective programs that can help members lose weight, gain strength, and increase overall health. Although the concept and journey are similar, FF30X (for men) and FM30X (for women) vary to fit the specific needs of each gender.

Longer Answer:

As a whole, both men and women require similar protocols to lose weight: caloric deficit, effective exercise, sound nutritional habits, and proper rest/recovery. However, the needs of men and women differ as our body compositions are different. Additionally (and generally speaking), men and women have different goals in terms of changing certain parts of their body so we help cater to these goals between the two programs. 

  • Similarities:
    • Both FF30X and FM30X recommend eating the same types of food.
    • Both FF30X and FM30X come with metabolic AND strength workouts, but start with our same flagship Apex10 workout.
  • Differences:
    • Even though the foods are similar between the programs, the macros (proteins, carbs, fat) and overall calories per meal differ due to the fact that men, having bigger frames and lean tissue amounts, require more calories overall.
    • Even though both programs start with the Apex10, every other workout throughout every phase of FF30X and FM30X differ.
    • Both programs come with Bonus Material (travel and alcohol guides, motivation, supplements, etc.) and similar to the macros differences, supplemental needs also differ. So the supplement guides and recommendations also differ between FF30X and FM30X as well.

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Father Project
Customer Success Team