Will Test Booster RX lead to hair loss or prostate issues?

Short answer:
Because Test Booster RX is a supplement designed to help increase the body's own NATURAL production (as opposed to TRT/testosterone replacement which is actually giving the testosterone hormone externally)... it will likely be very safe for the hairline and prostate.

Longer answer:
On the hair loss front, every guy has a unique predisposition to male pattern baldness based on their genetics and the amount of testosterone their body converts to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone - which is a testosterone derivative that can cause hair loss).

For guys with genetic predisposition to hair loss ("it runs in your family")... raising testosterone levels can lead to greater DHT levels... which, in turn, can contribute to faster hair loss. 

Because Test Booster RX actually helps the body increase it's OWN natural production (as opposed to simply just giving the body external testosterone aka "Testosterone Replacement Therapy" (TRT) through a shot, pill, cream)... Test Booster RX is safer for hairlines than Testosterone Replacement Therapy as the body can auto-regulate the conversion to DHT much better.

As for the prostate gland, it is sensitive to both DHT and Estrogen (both cause increased growth of the prostate). Testosterone replacement therapy (giving actual testosterone hormones) will raise DHT and Estrogen levels MUCH higher than a natural product like Test Booster RX, which helps the body increase its own internal production and auto-regulate properly.

For guys who are concerned about DHT leading to hair loss and prostate growth, Test Booster RX is a safer choice than TRT. That said, raising testosterone levels - from any method - can carry some risk for higher DHT levels and potential hair loss / prostate hyperplasia.

- The FFP Customer Success Team