Can I exercise with Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib)?


Can I perform your exercise program with A-Fib?

Short Answer:

Please consult with your physician first but if you get the green-light, doing a lesser-intense, modified workout routine is advisable for those with A-Fib. 

Longer Answer:

Before starting any exercise with A-Fib, you will want to verify with your doctor if exercise is appropriate for you. In many cases, exercising can actually enhance your quality of life with A-Fib so you're doing the right thing by exploring this opportunity. 

Assuming you get the OK, the very first thing you should do is perform some light cardio as a warm-up to let your body adjust to exercise. After that, consider using VERY light weights to perform the routine. Additionally, consider focusing more on the strength routines (i.e. Big 5) than the metabolic pyramid routines (i.e. Apex10); the latter is generally a bit more intense with shorter rest periods. With A-Fib, you'll want to monitor your heart-rate to keep it around 50-60% of your maximum so allow yourself plenty of rest between your sets. 

But if you experience any of the following symptoms, please stop immediately and consult with a medical care worker immediately: heart palpitations, shooting arm pain, or shortness of breath you cannot recover from. Either way, we firmly believe that your nutrition/hydration plays 80% of the role in this journey anyway so even if you were unable to do our routines, simple walking and following our meal plan guidance can yield fantastic results.

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Father Project

Customer Success Team