How do I eat on low-carb days?


How do I eat on low-carb days in FF30X?

Short Answer:

If you are eating low-carb days, you have probably made it to Phase 3 of our programs where we introduce Carb-Cycling, a powerful tool to help continue your weight-loss journey. The premise is simple in that you remove any starchy-type carbs for more fibrous, leafy, and/or cruciferous vegetables instead.

Longer Answer:

Well why are we doing Carb-Cycling? As you have probably experienced, the last few pounds are much harder to lose than the first. So Carb-Cycling is a tool where we have normal baseline days, a low-carbohydrate day, and a higher-carbohydrate day (Free meal). These low-carb days can help burn fat at an accelerated rate compared to the other days.

Since your breakfasts are already lower-carb, it's more about removing the starchier (bread, rice, sweet potatoes, fruit, etc) from your lunches, snacks (if applicable), and dinners. Read on for more ideas:

  • Lunches: If you normally have a sandwich, remove the contents from the sandwich and place on a large bowl of mixed greens. Don't be shy about adding some healthy fat (extra virgin olive oil, olives, avocado, side of nuts, etc) in addition to the salad.
  • Snacks: If you normally have an apple, swap out the fruit for some raw veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, celery) or some additional protein/healthy fats (jerky, protein powder, nuts, Quest bar, etc)
  • Dinners: If you normally have a side of sweet potato, rice, or pasta, swap out for another serving of veggies. This can include broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, spinach, mixed greens, etc. Once again, adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil or some cut-up avocado is encouraged as well.
  • Vegan: Most vegan protein sources are also higher in fat or higher in carbs. The exception is tofu. Since you are already planning your fasting, free meal, and low-carb days, this would be a good time to ensure tofu falls on your low-carb days. Otherwise, hemp/chia seeds are another great protein source but are much more caloric due to their higher fat content so just be aware of your calorie totals if going with an options like that. And lastly, No Cow bars are an acceptable snack as the majority of carbs found in there either come from fiber or sugar alcohols, which do not contribute to your total NET carb amount. 

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Father Project 
Customer Success Team

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