Should I move onto FF30X Phase 4?


Should I move onto FF30X Phase 4?

Short Answer:

FF30X Phase 4 is all about maintenance and creating a schedule that can work for the long haul. However, if you feel you still have body-weight/fat you'd like to lose, there is merit in circling back within Phases 1-3.

Longer Answer:

If you are not familiar with FF30X Phase 4, it is an ongoing phase that builds some flexibility into your weekly exercise after months of more rigid programming. P4 combines newer (and shorter) Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) routines with older, legacy routines found in the first three phases. The legacy workouts include the fat-burning MRT workouts (Apex 10, Double Trouble, etc.) and the strength workouts (Big 5, Monroe, etc.). Based on how busy your upcoming week is, P4 allows you to select one of two types of weeks: a Push week where you have more time and can "push the pace" and a Cruise week, where you may have less time and focus more on maintenance. If you have completed the majority of Phase 3 and are content with your progress, moving onto Phase 4 makes the most sense.

However, if you feel you have more weight/fat you'd like to remove, you can consider circling back to an earlier point within FF30X Phases 1-3. The beauty of circling back, especially to P1 or P2, is that it has been long enough where the workouts will feel newer to your body again. Plus, you will have hopefully increased your strength/endurance from the first go-round where you will be able to use heavier weight and/or complete the routines in quicker time, comparing your past and current fitness levels. You can also take along your fasting and/or carb-cycling protocol with you to make the phase completely new to your system, potentially sparking even more results.

But the bottom line is that Phase 4 is about creating a long-term, sustainable program where you can take all that you have learned along the way, and apply the tenants to your newfound healthy lifestyle, for years and years to come.

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Father Project
Customer Success Team