Should we be eating this much spinach with its higher oxalate levels?


Should we be eating this much spinach with its higher levels of oxalates? Can't that cause kidney stones?

Short Answer:

Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables we can consume but they are higher in oxalates, an anti-nutrient compound that can block the absorption of certain minerals. Higher oxalate levels can potentially lead to issues, such as Kidney Stones. However, this doesn't tell the whole story as how your body accumulates oxalates paints a clearer picture. 

Longer Answer:

When consumed, oxalates bind to certain minerals like calcium and iron. Our bodies even make oxalates as well but they are usually eliminated through bowel movements or urine. However, on rare occasions, they can form crystals that can lead to kidney stones in the urinary tract. So it was once previously thought that those who have kidney stones issues should avoid foods higher in oxalic acid. Since then, it has been determined that most of the oxalates found in urine are actually made from the body, not processed from food. 

So oxalate restriction is more appropriate for those who have naturally higher oxalate levels, produced from the body...not a general recommendation across the board to all individuals. Additionally, a lot of the oxalates are broken down based on how healthy your gut bacteria is. This is another reason why eating a wide range of foods, especially those that are probiotic-rich (fermented foods) or taking a probiotic supplement can be beneficial to your overall health. However, if you are susceptible to body-producing oxalates (a blood test with your doctor can determine this) boiling your vegetables can help reduce the levels of oxalates tremendously. Additionally, ensuring you are properly hydrated can also help ward of kidney stones too.

So the bottom line is that spinach and other naturally higher oxalate foods can still be consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle, especially if not prone to kidney stones. From vitamins/minerals, to fiber, to anti-oxidants, spinach is a powerhouse food that can help you achieve your goals, while enhancing your overall health. 

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Father Project
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