[FF30X FAQ] Is Intermittent Fasting Safe For Diabetics?

Question: I am a Type II Diabetic just starting FF30X Phase #2. I read about the dinner-to-dinner fasting and I'm interested in giving it a shot. Is fasting safe for people like me with diabetes?


The Intermittent Fasting (IF) that we recommend in Phase #2 is an incredibly powerful health habit; however, for people with any type of blood sugar regulation issues (diabetes, history of hypoglycemia) it needs to be approached with caution and managed by a doctor.

The biggest risk with Intermittent Fasting for diabetics is hypoglycemia - especially for insulin-dependent diabetics who take long-acting insulin daily. 
Because of the risks of hypoglycemia, IF needs to be first discussed and then managed (if appropriate) by a doctor as well. Insulin dosages would likely need to be adjusted on fasting days to account for the decreased glucose intake. 
Bottom line: fasting for anybody with diabetes needs to be done SAFELY under doctor supervision. It can be appropriate for some people; it can be unsafe for other people. The doctor managing your diabetes is the person who can make that decision with you.