Am I ready for Phase 3?


Should I move onto FF30X Phase 3?

Short Answer:

Congratulations on making it this far into the program! If you are considering moving onto Phase 3, you have hopefully established a healthy and active lifestyle throughout the first 3+ months on FF30X. However, if unsure whether or not you should move on, please check out the following checklist below.

Longer Answer:

  • You completed at least 8 (2x/week) Double Troubles in Phase 2 Month 1 and 8 (2x/week) Great Destroyers in P2M2. 
    • Monroes (P2M1) and Kennedys/Bullets (P2M2) are bonuses but the MRT workouts really shape your future outlook.
  • You were able to complete Double Trouble (P2M1) and Great Destroyer (P2M2) completely.
  • You have tried a 24-hour. If successful, you have implemented at least one 24-hour fast per week.
  • You have continued your healthy nutritional and hydration habits created in Phase 1.
  • You have continued to lose weight/body-fat throughout the last two months.
  • You feel confident that you have maxed out Phase 2 and are ready for a new challenge in Phase 3. 

If these 6 criteria are met, congratulations as you are ready for Phase 3! However, if you feel there is still more to get out of Phase 2, feel free to continue down that path until you're ready. And if unsure about any of these, please reach out to and our team can walk you through your decision.

Yours in Health & Friendship,

- The Fit Father Project

Customer Success Team