Is the FF30X Program OK for me if I have Type I or II Diabetes?

We have a lot of Type 1 + Type 2 Diabetics on the FF30X Program seeing fantastic results such as sustainable weight loss, improved blood sugar, lowered blood pressure, improved cholesterol, and even getting off medications completely. We have even had some members reverse their diabetes!

Our insulin-dependent diabetic program members work with their endocrinologists to make sure they are monitoring their blood sugars and updating insulin dosing as needed as they're losing weight and getting healthier.

The Fit Father "No Think" Meal Plan is safe for diabetics. It's portion and carb controlled, but it is not an extreme zero carb diet.

The FF30X Workouts specifically help improve your body's insulin sensitivity and fat-burning - making them ideal choices for anyone with pre-diabetes and diabetes who wants to control their blood sugars long-term.

All of the supplements recommended in the FF30X are GRAS (generally recognized as safe) AND completely optional. Supplements are not necessary to see great results on the Fit Father Program. FF30X is about making a permanent lifestyle change for the better via a practical healthy diet and workout plan that works for busy guys.

That said, we do recommend our program members take some foundational safe supplements that benefit diabetics - specifically: a proper multivitamin, Vitamin D3, Fish Oil, Probiotic - all of these supplements are incredibly well studied for efficacy and safety.
Above all, the biggest benefit of the  FF30X Program is that it's a long-term, sustainable, lifestyle plan to help you lose the weight, improve your blood sugars/glycemic control, and actually keep the weight off.
Although we can't give you specific medical advice, we recommend you give the program a shot and you can absolutely run any of the optional supplements by your doctor to make a decision of what's right for you.
-The Fit Father Project Staff

Here is the FF30X Program Overview =>