How do I eat healthy and get enough fiber if I hate veggies?
If you're a person who absolutely hates veggies and won't eat them, here are some guidelines to follow to ensure you're meeting your nutrient needs.
For starters, there are 2 big problems with not eating veggies:
- You miss out on valuable fiber that keeps your digestive tract clean, reduces cholesterol, and improves your metabolism (and probiotic "gut bacteria" health).
- You miss out on valuable vitamins and minerals that only veggies have.
Taking those two problems into account, here are my suggestions:
1) Absolutely start your day with a Fit Father Morning Shake as we outline in the Fit Father Meal Plan inside FF30X. Like our recipes suggest, please add chia seeds, cacao, and protein powder. I also want you to add the following:
- 1 cup of frozen organic berries (which are amazing for fiber and micronutrients)
- Add this green superfood in there (it's essentially powdered veggies and superfoods ->
2) For optimal health and weight loss, we ideally want your fiber intake over 30g/day. The morning shake should have ~15g, so we'll need him to get another 15g throughout the day.
Take a safe and simple fiber supplements like the following throughout the day:
- The serving size is large (5 capsules), so take that with every meal.
I hope these suggestions help you.
-The Fit Father Project Training Staff
P.S. In time, you may find that there's one particular vegetable that you do enjoy eating - even if it's some simple salad mix. If you can find one veggie you can tolerate, incorporate it as frequently as you can into your meals while still following the guidelines above.