Supplemental Core Routine for Apex10/Big5

A strong core allows for easier everyday movements, as you activate your core muscles in many daily activities. Made primarily of more dense fast-twitch fibers, your core responds better when stimulated with higher volume or explosive movements.

In this routine, we cover each part of your abs to give them a more comprehensive workload. Now remember, when performing core exercises, you’re strengthening your muscles that lie UNDERNEATH the abdominal fat; you can have the strongest core in the world but if you’re looking for your abs to pop, a clean diet will be even more crucial for that elusive six-pack.

Perform the following as a circuit, resting as little as possible between movements. After performing all three of the movements, rest for 30-60 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 circuits.

This routine can be done as a “finisher”, immediately following your Apex10 and/or Big5 routine.